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    • Announcement of New Partnership with IncoPat
    • Date: 2019-12-02
    • The China Data Institute (CDI) is pleased to announce its newly established partnership with IncoPat Co., Ltd. (http://incopat.com). IncoPat will provide free data and technical support for collaborative research and training with the China Data Lab, a cloud based platform for the integration of data and tools. Both CDI and IncoPat will collborate on the development of data case studies and related training programs for China data applications.

      Located in Beijing, IncoPat is a primary provider for China and global patent data service. incoPat Global Patent Database translates 140 million patent technologies from 120 authorities since the year 1782, with 14,000 new technologies added daily. incoPat processes the value-added data including legal status, patent review data, litigation, corporate business information, technology operation, custom records, communication standards, declassified national defense patents, etc. 

  Email: office@chinadatacenter.net